Emerald Vale Golf Course
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Emerald Vale was designed in 1997 by Bruce Matthews III. Bruce Matthews III designed over 45 new courses and renovated over 60 since 1991. Bruce explains, “My designs reflect a lifetime in golf. I have experienced and know all facets of the golf course business. I have been a superintendent for public and high-end private clubs and I have operated a public course for profit. These experiences influence how I design a course.”
The Matthews family has quite an extensive background in golf. Bruce Matthews III father, Wallace B. “Wally” Matthews was the manager for several golf clubs. His father was W. Bruce Matthews, who was a golf course architect for Stiles and VanKleek and later Matthes and Associates. He also was the president of Grand Haven Golf Club. Golf management and design for the Matthews family dates back to 1925. This knowledge is apparently displayed at Emerald Vale. Read more on the extremely interesting and talented Bruce Matthews III at his website http://www.matthewsgolf.org.
Emerald Vale is a quick 20-minute drive north of downtown Cadillac, and only 2 miles west of downtown Manton, Michigan.
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Revised: 07/21/2023 | Viewed: 774 Times